The illustration of a man's face with distinctly negroid features drew my attention to this book. The title which at first sounded quite stupid was even less repelling. I knew I had to get this book, even if I wasn't entirely sure what its contents were about. Hey, I guess that makes me sought of
literally vain; judging a book by its cover and title (
mehn, my first book must def. have a good cover). The book titled
What is the What chronicles the life of
Achak Deng Valentino, a Sudanese man presently
living in the US, from his days running away from his war-stricken southern Sudan, refugee camps in Ethiopia and Kenya and finally terminating in Atlanta. What is most
stricking about the book which is an auto-biography of this Sudanese man, is that it is actually written by a white guy, Dave
Eggers and the book is considered fiction. Regardless, of the inaccuracy in some accounts by the narrator, I still feel this book deserves the status of a non-fiction (and it's not that fiction is of any lesser value than non-fiction). This book is well-written with Dave
Eggers making good use of language and imagery. Beyond all the literary talk of the book, its message is important. The war which took place in parts of Sudan has certain similarities to the Nigerian
Biafran war. There are similarities in that the more vulnerable part of the country (south) was attacked by the all-powerful and
Muslim north. The Northern part of Sudan which consisted of mostly Arabs wanted to enforce Islam and sharia on the mostly-christian and north. This consequently caused the uprising of the South in the form of a rebel group (
SPLA). And just like the
Biafran war and almost every other war, simple and everyday people got thrust into bloody and directionless wars.
Without trying to bore you with all these details, another fascinating part of the book is the question the narrator's father poses to him, after telling the Sudanese folktale, where God decides to give his people cattle (which symbolizes wealth), but with a catch to it. God decided to give them something else which was called the what. He also did not reveal to them what the what was, but asks them to choose between cattle and the enigmatic "what". The
Dinka people in their own wisdom choose what is accessible and already
revealed. The narrator
Achak Deng is
fortunate enough to be considered to migrate to the US, however, he is plagued on the morality of leaving his family behind. His father does however convince him to move to the US, telling him that the what, which has been a mystery all this while is the US.
I REFUSED to believe this, due to my disappointment and notion that America and the west in general does not have to be acknowledged for everything good (
wetin!!!). Soon, I soothed my nerves and saw the wisdom in the old
Dinka man's answer. The US to him was a novel concept. A concept of a place that offered something different and prospects for a better life. He was not saying the US
was the enigmatic what, because of his belief of their undoubted superiority, but the fact that life could be better in a place outside his war-thorn and impoverished Southern Sudan.